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Friday, February 19, 2010

Affirmative Action Marriage

The existence of race, or at least the moderately clear delineation between races, is proof that the majority of us are hopelessly racist, and racist where it counts the most. It is one thing to prefer members of your own race when it comes to hiring people, but quite another with far greater impact for racial preferences to come into play when it comes to choosing that special someone to share those lifelong commitments of marriage and raising a family.

If we were all or even mostly all truly colorblind when it comes to love, I would expect that statistically we would see far, far more interracial marriages than we do. Therefore, in the equations of love, race clearly plays a significant role.

Clearly this is wrong, immoral, and a detriment to society. What possible reason is there to give preference to members of your race? All races are equally beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, etc., so there is no possible rational reason to marry someone of your own race.

Since the government already administers affirmative action for employment and education, and since marriage is a legal institution created and supported by the government, and since this proven racism in regards to marriage is clearly irrational and wrong, and since the government has and does get to decide who can marry (gays cannot, siblings cannot, interracial marriage was once illegal but is now legal, etc.) the government has a right - nay a duty! - to correct this egregious wrong.

The solution is obvious. When social security cards are issued, race identifiers are added to the card (and social security database) with the proportion of cards getting marked with each race the same as the proportion of that race in the general population. Then you are legally limited to marry only those people who have the race identified on your social security card.

Then, in a few generations, the problem will be completely solved and we'll have a pleasing continuum of skin color.


erp said...


IMO we won't have to go that far. In 50 years, there'll be enough voluntary miscegenation that most Americans will be nice mix and match of all the races on the planet and I for one, think that will be a good thing.

Although I won't be around to see, I'll miss the fabulous array of colors and faces I see around me every day and which are especially obvious we our kids parade into the Olympic stadium as they did last week. Our cadre represents the best of all the other nations. That’ll still be true, but it just won’t be as obvious.

Hey Skipper said...

The existence of race, or at least the moderately clear delineation between races, is proof that the majority of us are hopelessly racist, and racist where it counts the most.

The existence of race is due to geographic isolation; the persistence of race is due to racism.

That said, I noted that the tag on this is "humor".

Perhaps you need to prefix "humor" with "biting".

Interesting stat: White on black rape is almost non-existent.

Bret said...

erp wrote: "In 50 years, there'll be enough voluntary miscegenation that most Americans will be nice mix..."

In just two generations? I rather doubt it. Only about 1 in 20 children born today is of mixed race. It'll take a lot generations at that rate to really melt the races together.

Harry Eagar said...

Way more than half of all marriages in Hawaii are across ethnic lines, and all subgroups except one (Japanese-American men) marry outgroup more than ingroup.

Except for Hawaii, the states with the highest ratios of black/white marriages have for many years been Iowa and Nebraska.

Go figure.

Bret said...

Hey Skipper,

Sure, persistence or continued existence would've been more accurate.

I almost put "/sarcasm" at the end, but I assumed (apparently correctly) the "humor" tag would work. As with a lot of humor, it's built around a small kernel of truth and a lot of irrationality already existing in the world.

The main thing that prompted this post is that I've heard the words "racism" and "racist" more since Obama was elected than in during the rest of my entire life. Everything a white person does is apparently now racist, so let's throw marriage in the mix too.

Bret said...


Obviously there'll be an outlier somewhere, and Hawaii is apparently the big outlier. Still, I'm surprised that the inter-ethnic marriage rate is so high. I've been to Hawaii many times and it's looked to me like the natives mostly marry natives - but I don't doubt your statistics.

Hey Skipper said...

In just two generations? I rather doubt it. Only about 1 in 20 children born today is of mixed race. It'll take a lot generations at that rate to really melt the races together.

Two generations might be pushing it, but (IIRC) many demographers believe that races will cease to exist within 300 years. Compared to how long it took them to come into existence in the first place, that is a flash in the pan.

Everything a white person does is apparently now racist, so let's throw marriage in the mix too.

I think marriage is a bit of a lightning rod precisely because it is so racist, but perhaps not in the way you think.

Intermarriage among most racial groups in the US is reasonably high; with one exception: black women.

Considering how social pathologies propagate, it is unfortunate we can't count on intermarriage and time to fix the problem.

erp said...

In the cities a large percentage of young couples are of mixed race and as the birth rates continues to decline among whites and race continues to be a non-issue, the trend will accelerate.

A case of opposites attract?

Two generations is quite a long time. When I got married fifty three years ago, negroes couldn't even sit in the front of a bus and now an African-American (Lord how I hate hyphenizations) is sitting in the oval office.

To quote Harry, go figure.

erp said...

Skipper isn't it amazing how nature corrects the mistakes of mere mortals. As a result of social engineering, there's a dearth of women in China and an over supply of black women (who have done and still do most of the heavy lifting in black communities) here.

Solution: Send half the black women to China and bring half the men here.

Presto Change-o -- problem solved and then some.

Harry Eagar said...

Bret, one reason Hawaii is an outlier probably has to do with the high proportion of immigrants, skewed toward men. If they are to find mates at all, they have to marry "local" women.

The rate of black/white marriage in Iowa and Nebraska, on the other hand, appears mysterious to me, although I inadvertently helped engineer one of them.

When I was editing, I had a very handsome white reporter who really should have chosen some other trade, because while he was earnest and diligent, he wasn't well-suited for the job.

I sent him to write a story about the first black woman physician in the county (the sister, as it happened, of a woman I had worked with at a previous job). He married her and became a house husband.

Susan's Husband said...

You all might want to look at Brazil where, to a large extent, this has already happened. It doesn't seem to have fixed the underlying problem, though.

Bret said...

What's happened in Brazil? What problem didn't it fix?

erp said...

SH, I think that mixing of the races in Brazil is mostly among the lower classes. Among the ruling class, light skin color is valued as it is throughout South and Central America.

In the U.S. IMO it will be quite the opposite, with the lower classes clinging to the old values much longer than the upper/ruling class which will opt for new model, if for no other reason than to show how edgy they are.

Hey Skipper said...

IMO it will be quite the opposite, with the lower classes clinging to the old values ...

The problem in the US is different.

Roughly 10% of black men intermarry. Some 30% of the rest aren't good marriage material because they, are or have been, in prison.

On top of that, AFDC must have been an evil plot with the sole purpose of destroying the black family. I know that sounds like something out of conspiracy world, but it is impossible for me to think of any other explanation for something otherwise so bottomlessly stupid.

Anyway, the result is concentrated, socially isolated, self perpetuating areas of single black female heads of impoverished households.

With an intermarriage rate approaching zero. And an out of wedlock birth rate in the region of 70%.

Regardless of whether these women are adhering to old values, the consequence is a situation where, despite the natural racism, there is utterly no rational reason for a man outside that group to marry into it.